Post Divorce Trauma


According to psychotherapist Toni Coleman, "If a person goes through an acrimonious, drawn-out, expensive, time-consuming, and lifestyle altering can lead to debilitating symptoms of anxiety in which PTSD takes root.

These symptoms are the result of the divorce trauma being embedded in the person’s subconscious mind and then experienced as recurrent fears and bad memories."

Overly negative thoughts about oneself or the world Exaggerated self-blame or blame of others Decreased interest in activities Feeling isolated Irritability or aggression Paranoia Risky or destructive behavior Difficulty concentrating Difficulty sleeping.

Certain risk factors appear to make some people more likely to develop a diagnosis of PTSD after a divorce or separation, 

such as in cases that involve intimate partner abuse, exposure to a serious threat of injury, or death. 

Having a strong social support network is essential.