A Therapist’s Journey to Wellness

A Therapist's Journey to Wellness

Navigating the Challenges and Triumphs In the ever-evolving world of mental health, therapists play a crucial role in helping individuals overcome their challenges. However, behind their unwavering support lies a unique set of challenges. In this blog post, we’ll delve…

Having Trouble Connecting With People?

Knowing how to connect with people is important for mental health and well-being. Connecting with others allows you to forge interpersonal relationships and helps prevent feelings of isolation and loneliness. Connecting with other people serves as a foundation for self-disclosure,…

How to Have the Marriage Conversation

While having a difficult marriage conversation probably isn’t something either of you looks forward to, avoiding certain conversations can cause problems to worsen later on. You and/or your partner might become bitter or angry when things go unresolved, so it’s…

How to Handle Unwanted Advice

Though it’s usually not the intended outcome of giving unsolicited advice, many who receive it often feel stressed, offended, or simply annoyed by unwanted suggestions. Setting a boundary in this regard, if you feel you need one, is perfectly reasonable…

Should You Try To Change Your Partner?

If you want your partner to change, start by accepting them for who they are. In The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, Dr. John Gottman says, “People can change only if they feel that they are basically liked and…

When To End A Relationship?

So, you have gotten to a point in your marriage where you are seriously considering divorce. When to end a relationship? this decision has potentially serious negative consequences for you, your spouse, and those you are close to within your…

Is Your Relationship Interdependence?

Building a relationship based on interdependence. Most of us value connection with others, especially in our romantic relationships. In fact, we are wired for connection and it allows us to create bonds and intimacy with our partner. The success of…